Global Certification Of Anti-Money Laundering Program & Customer Identification Program


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Republic Bank (Suriname) N.V.  represents that it is registered in accordance with the Banking and Credit System Supervision Act 2011 and regulated by the Central Bank of Suriname and subject to the Central Bank of Suriname April 2015 Directive, concerning Anti-Money Laundering and the Control of Terrorist Financing.

As such, Republic Bank (Suriname) N.V.  has formally designated a Compliance Officer; formulated and implemented policies, procedures and controls designed to guard against money laundering and terrorist financing; communicated directives regarding recognition of unusual transactions and reporting of same; instituted an ongoing training program; and provided for the Independent auditing of the program.   

As part of its Anti-Money Laundering Program, Republic Bank (Suriname) N.V.  has a Customer Due Diligence programme that requires, at a minimum, the collection of the following identifying information from its customers when new accounts are opened: name; date of birth (for an individual); address; and identification number. Republic Bank (Suriname) N.V.   maintains records of the information supplied for at least seven (7) years.             

Republic Bank (Suriname) N.V.  compares its client database against government list of known or suspected terrorists or terrorist organizations and similar lists quarterly.       

Republic Bank (Suriname) N.V.  hereby certifies that it has implemented its Anti-Money Laundering Program, required by sections 12 of the Central Bank of Suriname April 2015 Directive concerning Anti-Money Laundering and the Control of Terrorist Financing and that it has incorporated the Customer Due Diligence Program into our core requirements.

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